Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Teachers Revealed

Well, it has become obvious that it is time for the kids to return to school. It's like pulling teeth to get them to go to the pool. Today I actually had to tell Hannah that she didn't have a choice in the matter. I had a lot of things that needed to get done, Kaelie had to go to volleyball practice, and "you're going to the pool whether you like it or not," I said. She and her friend ended up going and having a good time, but they are definitely ready to get back to the structure of the school routine (and so am I)!

Last week the big excitement was over the classroom assignments. They were both checking the mail every day for the much-anticipated letters. Kaelie was very happy about her teachers and her schedule, and Hannah was excited to get the teacher she was hoping for. She also has a couple of good buddies in her class, so it appears that all is well.

I can remember the anxiety over the first day of school so well. When I was a kid it seemed impossible to fall asleep the night before. I would lie awake fretting over adjusting to new teachers, whether they would be nice or mean, how much homework they would give, and of course, figuring out what I could and couldn't get away with. :) Now I get to relive it all over again with my girls...I'm just glad I don't have to be the one in the classroom!

It's so wonderfully reassuring that I do have a teacher who is always a constant. Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." I believe that because I believe Jesus when he says "I am the way, the truth and the life." Truth is truth, it doesn't change. If it did, how could we ever know what really is true and what isn't?

The God of the Universe invites us to sit at his feet and learn from him! Wow, can you even imagine a better teacher?! I love the invitation he offered through the prophet Jeremiah:
"This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' (Jeremiah 33:2-3)

Doesn't that sound wonderfully mysterious and exciting?! The "great and unsearchable things you do not know" part really gets me pumped because I'm a former news reporter and I have a natural curiosity and a burning desire to know stuff! This invitation is marvelous to me because it makes me feel like God wants to share his secrets with me. I believe he does...and all he wants me to do is call to him! I can call to him through prayer or by digging into his word, either way it does require some action on my part. No anxiety though, this is some teaching (and a teacher) I can get excited about!

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