Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hot Water and Cold Reality

I squealed, loudly, as icy water invaded my scalp.  The hot water heater had gone out overnight, and by morning, the water was downright cold.  Shockingly cold, really, as it cascaded over my head and down my neck.  "This is terrible, not the way to start my day," I grumbled aloud while leaning over the tub.  I was much too wimpy to actually take a shower, and had decided to brave just a quick hair wash.

And quick it was!  I almost opted to forego the conditioner once I got through the shampooing, but then decided that attempting to brush out the tangles that were sure to result would be more painful than a couple more minutes of cold water.

As I finished up and began twisting my hair into a towel turban on top of my head, the photo attached to the top of the mirror caught my eye.  Sweet little Keily, the child my family sponsors through Compassion International, was smiling at me as always.  I keep her picture there so that I will see her and be reminded to pray for her daily.  But seeing her this time was different.  It was as if the sweet little face smiling back at me was saying "I sure would love to have that nice bathroom in my house.  How lucky you are to have that cold tap water!"

Isn't it amazing who and what God uses to prick our consciences?  To make us see just how spoiled we are, and how much we take for granted?  I mean, did I have to leave my house to hike for miles to the nearest filthy water hole to fill a bucket of dirty water to carry home on top of my head?  Nope, I was right in the comfort of my suburban American home, simply turning a faucet for all the clean water I needed.  And yet I grumbled because it was cold, which in itself is probably a luxury in places like Honduras where Keily lives.

Today I will be grateful for the luxuries in my life.  And I think I will find one of those organizations that builds wells for villages in third world countries to have clean water and send a donation.  One small gesture of appreciation for all the ways in which God has blessed me.  Might I challenge you to consider doing the same?

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