Monday, April 7, 2008


If you have been checking in, I apologize for slacking off on the blog the last few days. I do try to make a point of writing when I feel like the Spirit is really speaking to me. Not that I don't feel like the Spirit is speaking to me's just that sometimes I feel really led to write about it and sometimes I don't.

Anyway, yesterday I received such praise for my children that I just had to give praise to my Father. As I left Sunday school, a friend of mine told me and my husband that her daughter came home from soccer the other day talking about how much she just loves my daughter Hannah. Her child told her that Hannah is just like her dad, sweet and funny. I thought that summed it up pretty well, because Joey is a sweet and funny guy, and my sweet Hannah certainly seems to have inherited his quick wit!

When I was growing up people always talked about how much I looked like my dad. I wonder if they see any resemblance to my Heavenly Father? Ooh, now there's a thought to consider!

2 Corinthians 3:18 says "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Just to drive the point home, I received an email last night from another church friend, who hosted 7th grade girls, including my daughter Kaelie, at her home for a church retreat over the weekend. She praised Kaelie's lovely manners and sweet disposition, and congratulated Joey and I on our parenting. I so appreciated her encouraging words!

That email again reminded me that just as Kaelie's actions were a reflection on her parents and her upbringing, so are we a reflection of the Lord's glory. If someone were to email the Lord about me, what would they say? Do people see me as sweet, funny, and well-mannered? Do they see me as impatient, ill-tempered and rude? Do they see the Christ in me?

I can only pray that as I continue to grow in faith and into the likeness of Christ, that I will reflect his glory more and more, and that when people look at me and the way I live my life, they will see Christ in me and through me.

Trust me, I'll be chewing on this verse for quite a while!

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