Sunday, March 15, 2009

More, More, More!

So frustrated with my girls this afternoon. We spent a whole weekend at Kaelie's volleyball tournament...exhausting for everyone. Her team played great, by the way, but it was a long and tiring weekend for the players as well as the spectators.
Yesterday afternoon during a break between games I took Hannah to the mall for a little while as a "reward" for being a trooper about being dragged from gym to gym all day long. It was a nice little break and she got a new swimsuit out of the deal. I even picked up a dress for Kaelie while were there.
Late this afternoon when it was finally time to go home, they both whined and complained because I wouldn't take them to the mall before making the 45-minute trip home. You would have thought they were so deprived! Joey and I were talking about how we love them and will gladly sacrifice time, money, weekends, etc. for them to be able to do all the sports and things that they get to do, but we just wish they would act like they appreciate it rather than expecting more, more, more and whining when they don't get their way.

The Lord must have been shaking his head upon hearing that conversation. Am I really any different? How much has he sacrificed for me, after all? He gave up his only Son so that I can have eternal life with him, yet is that what I focus on when things aren't going my way? Too often I'm acting just like my girls were today, whining and complaing, or feeling deprived over not having this or that. Will I ever learn???


Anonymous said...

Dear Tracy, Hi! My name is Barbara Wheatley and I know your mom. She is a dear friend of my mom's at church. I have enjoyed your mom's company many times. I've gone with her & my mom out to lunch and church events, like yesterday's fashion show. My husband Eddie and I just moved from Chesapeake back to Va. Beach last fall and have attended Haygood Methodist and now in the process of joining. So now I see your mom each Sunday and more. She is such a sweet/lovely person and I enjoy being with her. I've been to their new condo. How nice it is. (I live about 8 minutes from her:) She gave me your blog site around Christmas and I couldn't seem to pull it up from Yahoo. So, in wanting to read your blog as your mother has told me about it, asking her just the other day, she said Jim said to try through Goggle. Well it worked! Praise God and what a blessing it was to find you. Your mother proudly has told me of your love of God and how you minister to others. Bless you Tracy and your family. I also have two (grown) daughers and our first grandchild, a boy on the way in July. We are blessed with a family who loves the Lord. I am writing and speaking, however I don't have a web sight or blog. I experience technical difficulties in those areas. I am applying to Stonecroft Ministries hoping to become one of their speakers. I have a little ministry called Mountain Top Ministries. So we do have some things in common and I just wanted to introduce myself as a sister in the Lord who knows your mom. Now I see through your blog the wonderful daughter your mother has told me about. You have two beautiful girls and I love the "green shoes". Your latest writing about kid's complaining/lack of appreciatiion... I could relate and I thought what a comparison tied to us all with the Lord and His grace and mercy. You have given me inspiration on a message I will be giving to a MOPs group in May. (Thanks) I loved it. Your mom told me your were involved with MOPS for years. God is so cool how he brings His people together. I could write a blog a day about all the ways God has brought so many wonderful Christian's into my life. I should blog, as you see, I love to write. Well listen, I will close for now but I am so glad Google got me to you. Blessings and prayers for you today. Barbara

Unknown said...

Hey Tracy,

Just catching up with you and am thrilled to here about your good scans in February!! Praise the Lord!

I can also very much related to your concerns about more, more, more. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say most all of us have fallen into this trap in one way or another. But, they said confession is the first step to change, so hopefully we're on our way!


Tracy said...

Thanks for getting in touch Barbara. My mom has spoken highly of you to me, as well. I'm glad you were able to find the blg and you're enjoying it. It's been so humbling to see how God has used it during this last year. I'd love to hear more about your ministry and maybe I'll have an opportunity to meet you the next time I'm visiting my parents.

Tracy said...

So good to hear from you Lydeana! I always read your and Charlie's email updates and continue to pray for you regularly!