Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lost and Found

Last night as I sat here blogging about my girls getting their class assignments for the year, God reminded me of Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." I was thinking of it in terms of teachers, and relating it to how blessed we are to have Jesus as our ultimate, unchanging teacher. (see yesterday's "Teachers Revealed" post)

Meanwhile, bedtime drama was going on upstairs with Hannah. She had not been able to find her wallet since the day before, and she had all her money and a mall gift card in it. She was upset and worried, and also fearful that we would be angry with her because we've told her over and over not to take her whole wallet and all her money to the pool, only a couple of dollars at a time. She was pretty certain she had left it at the pool, however it did not turn up there in the lost and found.

I finally got her calmed down and off to bed, reassuring her that we would find it today. This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I was again reminded of Jeremiah 33:3. "Lord," I prayed, "you promise that when we call to you that you will tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know. I'd say Hannah's wallet is pretty unsearchable because we've searched high and low and still don't know where it is. But you do know Lord, so I'm asking you to reveal its location to us today."

A couple of hours later, I decided to check Hannah's backpack that she had taken to the pool the day the wallet went missing. She had gotten annoyed with me earlier when I asked her if she had checked it thoroughly, snapping "only like a million times!" Sure enough, my hand went straight to the wallet in the second pocket I opened. She was greatly relieved, and also a little red in the face.

The best part of the whole episode was that I was able to share with her right then and there about my prayer that morning, and how good and faithful God was to lead us to the wallet so quickly. How often we fail to take the so-called "little things" to the Lord in prayer. But he loves us so much that he wants to be involved in all aspects of our lives, not just the "big things." What a beautiful demonstration of love from our Heavenly Father to his daughter, and all it took was a "call to him."

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