Friday, September 26, 2008

God the Party-Crasher

Welcome to Tracy's Grace Space. I named this blog my "grace space" because I wanted to somehow record all the beautiful acts of God's grace that I was experiencing at the time. When I started the blog, I had just been diagnosed with MS, and through the loving acts of friends, family and God himself, God reminded me over and over again that his grace is sufficient for me.

That is why I just have to tell you about what happened today. I've been feeling all out of sorts due to our kitchen renovation, and today I found myself just meandering around Wal-Mart of all places. I really can't stand Wal-Mart, but there were a couple of things I needed to pick up and I really didn't want to hang around the house with all the construction noise and dust from hardwood floor sanding. It was lunchtime, and our Wal-Mart has a Subway sandwich shop inside, so I decided on a whim to eat while I was there.

As I walked up to the counter, I was greeted by a woman I've known for some time, though not very well. We said hello and bemoaned the rainy weather, and after paying for her sub she turned for a quick wave goodbye. I said goodbye and continued to wait for my order. Once my sub was prepared and wrapped, I took out my wallet to pay. Imagine my surprise when the cashier said it wasn't necessary!

"The lady before you paid for your sub," he said. "She told me to add it on to her bill."

Grace. There I was, all grumpy and feeling pitiful over not being able to be at home on a nasty rainy day, forced to spend time in Wal-Mart and eat out once again all because I'm getting a beautiful new kitchen. What a terrible life I lead! And God chooses to show me grace anyway.

Isn't that just like him? The God of the universe reached down and crashed my little pity party on a chilly rainy day, penetrating it like a warm ray of sunshine. I've been smiling ever since!

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