Friday, January 21, 2011

Stop the Train or Get Me Off the Track!

Do you ever feel like you are super-glued to train tracks with a runaway train blaring its horn and bearing down on you?  If so, then you have some idea of how I'm feeling today.

This morning my husband got a doctor's diagnosis of type B influenza, otherwise known as The Flu.  YUCK!  He feels like he's already been run over by the train and I'm the one who's whining on my blog!  Not only is Joey down for the count, but Kaelie, my 15 year-old, has a terrible head cold and is sneezing and coughing all over the house.  Everywhere I turn there are GERMS!!

I feel like there is no escaping the train that is about to come barreling its way through our house.  Hannah and I are still doing fine, and I'm praying hard that it stays that way.  The truth is that I'm really afraid of getting the flu.  If I have ever had it, it has been many, many years, so many that I can't remember.  But I see the knock-out punch that it has delivered to Joey and I don't want it.  Anything that can cause a high fever like that has the potential of triggering a flare-up of my MS, and that's what scares me more than anything.

I guess that's why I came running to my blog.  Somehow I always feel closer to Jesus here.  I'm thinking today of the woman who was so desperate for healing that she pushed her way through hugh crowds of people just to be able to touch his robe, certain that that's all it would take to cure her.  Because of the faith she displayed, Jesus did heal her right then and there without ever laying a hand on her. 

Today I just want to wrap myself in his robe from head to toe.  If he can heal illnesses, he can also protect us from them.  So that's my prayer, that his robe will drape around me and Hannah like a shield against the germs, and like a healing blanket to make Joey and Kaelie well.  Jesus can move a mountain, so surely he an stop a train in its tracks!  I'm praying that he will.

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