Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Walking the Talk

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

Something happened at Sunday school the other day that touched me so deeply. A lady who has only recently joined the class with her husband came in and brought me a sticker. It was from the MS Walk a few weeks ago, and it had my name on it, stating that she was walking in my honor.

This is a lady who lives in my neighborhood, and though we have known each other for the last several years, it has really been only casually. I've enjoyed having her and her husband in Sunday school. It has given me the opportunity to get to know them better. She had told me a couple of weeks before the MS Walk that she was planning to participate on my behalf. I was practically moved to tears that she was even considering it, but then I never heard anything more about it.

Well, not only did she walk, but her 18 year-old son did as well. She said she wanted so much to do something for me when she heard of my MS diagnosis. She knew we were getting plenty of meals brought to us, and figured this would be a practical way of expressing her support.

You know, I felt her love when she first told me of her plans to walk and I so appreciated the gesture. But when she carried through with it, putting her love to action, then I also experienced God's love and grace. I think that's what the verse from 1 John is trying to tell us.

When our love for others stems from our love for Christ and a desire to serve him, people will see Christ reflected in us, and know his love for them. We're called to a love that goes much deeper than lip service, we have to walk the talk!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

How wonderful that she did that for you! When you see her, please thank her and her son from all your family as well.