Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kaelie's Confirmation

What a wonderful weekend we had. I know it's Wednesday and I'm just now getting around to writing about it, but things have been a little hectic.

The weekend was so wonderful because I got to see my daughter confirmed in church on Sunday. What a privilege it was to be able to witness her and 16 other seventh graders stand before the congregation to publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ. It was made extra-special by the fact that Joey's mom and her husband were able to come, and my parents had recovered enough from Dad's back surgery in March and Mom's hospital stay a couple of weeks ago for diverticulitis to be able to make the 5 1/2 hour trip from Virginia Beach. It was a really great family weekend!

I must say that regrettably, I don't recall my own confirmation. I vaguely remember sitting in some boring classes, and I'm sure they must have done something special during a church service, but it obviously wasn't something that stuck with me.

This group has attended 13 weeks worth of classes, and they also went on a special trip to Washington D.C., where they visited the National Cathedral and the National Holocaust Museum. They worshipped at Rising Hope Church, where they heard some powerful testimonies from homeless people and recovering addicts and also performed service projects in the church's food pantry and clothing bank.

In addition, their confirmation journey also included time with mentors, church members who gave of themselves every Sunday evening to help shepherd these kids in their faith. Kaelie's mentor, Kristie, was wonderful. I'm so grateful to her for the ways that she has reached out in love to Kaelie.

As part of the confirmation church service, each mentor selected a verse for their confirmand. For Kaelie, Kristie selected Matthew 5:5 from The Message translation. "You're blessed when you're content with just who you are--no more--no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought."

The more familiar NIV translation says "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." I think of that as being humble, recognizing that God is sovereign and I am not, that I can do nothing on my own, but only by his grace and power.

I like the Message translation for reminding us also to not think of ourselves as any less than we are. I think it is especially wise counsel for a seventh-grade girl. Girls that age are always comparing themselves to other people and worrying about popularity and how they measure up. I have prayed so many times for my girls to always be able to see themselves through God's lenses and not to judge themselves by the world's standards..."being content with just who they are--no more, no less."

I also pray that they will always know my love for them for just who they are, beautiful children of God with their own unique personalities, gifts and abilities. I'm so blessed and grateful that I get to be their mom, and for the times like confirmation when God lets me see the great things he is doing in their lives!


Lauren said...

Hi Kaelie, We're so proud of you!May God Bless you on your journey always! Love, Auntie Lauren

Anonymous said...

Sending my congratulations to Kaelie!
Hannah - what's up w/that look??!!

Chris Strickland