Friday, April 18, 2008

His Ways are Higher

Just a quick post today...lots going on. I just have to express how amazed I am at the lengths God will go to in order to stretch us in our faith and build our trust in him.

A good friend of mine was called to serve on the Walk to Emmaus this weekend. God was already stretching her out of her comfort zone because she is giving a 20-minute talk for the first time, something she has vowed she would never be able to do. But she's doing it because she has learned to trust God to enable her to do things under his power that she could never do on her own.

The Walk began last night. The day before, my friend found out that her 15 year-old son has a very bad hernia that will require surgery right away, as in today. Can you just imagine the dilemma? My friend knew that she was called by God to serve on this Emmaus Walk, but motherhood is also her calling. After much prayer and discussion with her family, she left her son in the capable hands of her husband and her parents, but most importantly in the hands of her God. Once again she chose to step out in faith. What an amazing expression of trust in our Heavenly Father! If you are reading this, please pray for Angie and Drew.

Proverbs 3:5 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." (NIV)

I do not understand why God would call a mother away from her teenage son when he has to have surgery, but I trust that his ways are higher. I do not understand that God would call me to serve in various ways and then allow me to be stricken with MS. But I trust that his ways are higher. I do not understand why a young mother I know would be faithfully serving her family and the Lord, and be stricken with cancer for the second time, forced to undergo painful surgeries and treatments. But I see her clinging to Him, trusting that his ways are higher. If you're reading this, please pray for Lydeana.

My interpretation of Proverbs 3:5 is that when we trust in the Lord with all our hearts, following his ways and surrendering to his will, he will faithfully lead us straight to his heart and everlasting embrace. I may not understand it, but I believe it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy!
Again, you have blessed my heart with the reminder of Psalms 3:5. Your words through your blogs have been so uplifting to me. Our Savior has really given you a gift. I don't think you really know how many lives you have and will touch by this. Thanks for sharing the news about Angie's son. We will definately pray for that family. Take care, and look forward in seeing you soon.
